
Aave V1: Available Liquidity Volume by Token


This metric shows the total amount of liquidity available for each token on the version 1 of the Aave platform, allowing users to assess the depth of the market and the potential ease of borrowing or supplying assets. Users may not be able to withdraw funds if the liquidity drops too far. This means that they would need to wait until more liquidity is deposited by other users to be able to borrow or withdraw funds.

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Aave V1: Available Liquidity Volume Percentage by Token


This metric represents the percentage of available liquidity for each token on the version 1 of the Aave platform relative to the total available liquidity across all tokens. It provides insights into the distribution of liquidity and the prominence of individual tokens within the platform.

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Aave V1: Collateral Rate by Token


This metric represents the interest rate paid to users who provide collateral for each token on the version 1 of the Aave platform. It allows users to compare the rates they can earn when supplying different tokens as collateral, enabling them to make informed decisions when participating in the lending market. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V1: Count by Action Type


      The total cumulative count of all activities performed within the version 1 of the Aave protocol. This includes the count of deposits, withdrawals, stable borrows, variable borrows, repays, liquidations, flash loans, rebalance stable borrow rate, swaps to stable rate mode and swaps to variable rate mode.
      Stacked Count represents the overall frequency of the financial transactions that have taken place within the Aave protocol and can provide insight into the overall usage and popularity of the platform.

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Aave V1: Fixed Borrow Rate by Token


This metric displays the stable borrow rate for each token on the version 1 of the Aave platform. The stable borrow rate is a fixed interest rate that users can choose when borrowing assets, offering predictable repayment costs over the loan's duration. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V1: Variable Borrow Rate by Token


This metric displays the variable borrow rate for each token on the version 1 of the Aave platform. The variable borrow rate is an interest rate that changes with market conditions, providing users with potentially lower borrowing costs but increased risk due to rate fluctuations. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V1: Volume by Action Type


      The total cumulative volume of all activities performed within the version 1 of the Aave protocol. This includes the volume of deposits, withdrawals, stable borrows, variable borrows, repays, debt liquidations, collateral liquidations (receiving the underlying token or the aToken) and flash loans.
      Stacked Volume represents the overall magnitude of the financial transactions that have taken place within the Aave protocol and can provide insight into the overall growth and usage of the platform.

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Aave V2: Activity-Based Total Value Locked (TVL)


This metric indicates the total value of assets locked on the version 2 of the Aave platform, broken down into available liquidity, stable borrows, and variable borrows. This representation allows for visualization of the amounts of these components within the total value locked, addressing the fact that borrows might not always be considered when computing the total value locked. It reflects the overall usage and popularity of the platform.

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Aave V2: Activity-Based Total Value Locked (TVL) Percentage Share


This metric displays the proportion of the total value locked in the version 2 of the Aave platform, broken down into available liquidity, stable borrows, and variable borrows. This representation allows for visualization of the proportions of these components within the total value locked, addressing the fact that borrows might not always be considered when computing the total value locked. It reflects the overall usage and popularity of the platform.

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Aave V2: Available Liquidity Percentage Share by Token


This metric represents the percentage of available liquidity for each token on the version 2 of the Aave platform relative to the total available liquidity across all tokens. It provides insights into the distribution of liquidity and the prominence of individual tokens within the platform.

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Aave V2: Available Liquidity Volume by Token


This metric shows the total amount of liquidity available for each token on the version 2 of the Aave platform, allowing users to assess the depth of the market and the potential ease of borrowing or supplying assets. Users may not be able to withdraw funds if the liquidity drops too far. This means that they would need to wait until more liquidity is deposited by other users to be able to borrow or withdraw funds.

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Aave V2: Borrow Volume by Token


This metric displays the total amount of assets borrowed for each token on the version 2 of the Aave platform, providing insights into the borrowing demand for individual tokens and the overall usage of the platform.

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Aave V2: Borrow Volume Share Percentage by Token


This metric shows the percentage of borrowed assets for each token on the version 2 of the Aave platform relative to the total borrowed assets across all tokens. It offers insights into the borrowing demand distribution and the relative popularity of individual tokens within the borrowing market on the platform.

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Aave V2: Collateral Rate by Token


This metric represents the interest rate paid to users who provide collateral for each token on the version 2 of the Aave platform. It allows users to compare the rates they can earn when supplying different tokens as collateral, enabling them to make informed decisions when participating in the lending market.. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V2: Count by Action Type


      The total cumulative count of all activities performed within the version 2 of the Aave protocol. This includes the count of deposits, withdrawals, stable borrows, variable borrows, repays, liquidations, flash loans, rebalance stable borrow rate, swaps to stable rate mode and swaps to variable rate mode.
      Stacked Count represents the overall frequency of the financial transactions that have taken place within the Aave protocol and can provide insight into the overall usage and popularity of the platform.

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Aave V2: Fixed Borrow Rate by Token


This metric displays the stable borrow rate for each token on the version 2 of the Aave platform. The stable borrow rate is a fixed interest rate that users can choose when borrowing assets, offering predictable repayment costs over the loan's duration. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V2: Variable Borrow Rate by Token


This metric displays the variable borrow rate for each token on the version 2 of the Aave platform. The variable borrow rate is an interest rate that changes with market conditions, providing users with potentially lower borrowing costs but increased risk due to rate fluctuations. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V2: Volume by Action Type


The total cumulative volume of all activities performed within the version 2 of the Aave protocol. This includes the volume of deposits, withdrawals, stable borrows, variable borrows, repays, debt liquidations, collateral liquidations (receiving the underlying token or the aToken) and flash loans. Stacked Volume represents the overall magnitude of the financial transactions that have taken place within the Aave protocol and can provide insight into the overall growth and usage of the platform.

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Aave V3: Activity-Based Total Value Locked (TVL)


This metric shows the total amount of liquidity available for each token on the version 3 of the Aave platform, allowing users to assess the depth of the market and the potential ease of borrowing or supplying assets. Users may not be able to withdraw funds if the liquidity drops too far. This means that they would need to wait until more liquidity is deposited by other users to be able to borrow or withdraw funds.

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Aave V3: Activity-Based Total Value Locked (TVL) Percentage Share


This metric represents the percentage of available liquidity for each token on the version 3 of the Aave platform relative to the total available liquidity across all tokens. It provides insights into the distribution of liquidity and the prominence of individual tokens within the platform.

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Aave V3: Available Liquidity Percentage Share by Token


This metric shows the percentage of borrowed assets for each token on the version 3 of the Aave platform relative to the total borrowed assets across all tokens. It offers insights into the borrowing demand distribution and the relative popularity of individual tokens within the borrowing market on the platform.

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Aave V3: Available Liquidity Volume by Token


This metric displays the total amount of assets borrowed for each token on the version 3 of the Aave platform, providing insights into the borrowing demand for individual tokens and the overall usage of the platform.

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Aave V3: Borrow Volume by Token


This metric indicates the total value of assets locked on the version 3 of the Aave platform, broken down into available liquidity, stable borrows, and variable borrows. This representation allows for visualization of the amounts of these components within the total value locked, addressing the fact that borrows might not always be considered when computing the total value locked. It reflects the overall usage and popularity of the platform.

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Aave V3: Borrow Volume Share Percentage by Token


This metric displays the proportion of the total value locked in the version 3 of the Aave platform, broken down into available liquidity, stable borrows, and variable borrows. This representation allows for visualization of the proportions of these components within the total value locked, addressing the fact that borrows might not always be considered when computing the total value locked. It reflects the overall usage and popularity of the platform.

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Aave V3: Collateral Rate by Token


This metric represents the interest rate paid to users who provide collateral for each token on the version 3 of the Aave platform. It allows users to compare the rates they can earn when supplying different tokens as collateral, enabling them to make informed decisions when participating in the lending market. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V3: Count by Action Type


The total cumulative count of all activities performed within the version 3 of the Aave protocol. This includes the count of deposits, withdrawals, stable borrows, variable borrows, repays, liquidations, flash loans, rebalance stable borrow rate, swaps to stable rate mode and swaps to variable rate mode. Stacked Count represents the overall frequency of the financial transactions that have taken place within the Aave protocol and can provide insight into the overall usage and popularity of the platform.

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Aave V3: Stable Borrow Rate by Token


This metric displays the stable borrow rate for each token on the version 3 of the Aave platform. The stable borrow rate is a fixed interest rate that users can choose when borrowing assets, offering predictable repayment costs over the loan's duration. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V3: Variable Borrow Rate by Token


This metric displays the variable borrow rate for each token on the version 3 of the Aave platform. The variable borrow rate is an interest rate that changes with market conditions, providing users with potentially lower borrowing costs but increased risk due to rate fluctuations. Aave's interest rate algorithm is calibrated to manage liquidity risk and optimise utilisation.

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Aave V3: Volume by Action Type


The total cumulative volume of all activities performed within the version 3 of the Aave protocol. This includes the volume of deposits, withdrawals, stable borrows, variable borrows, repays, debt liquidations, collateral liquidations (receiving the underlying token or the aToken) and flash loans. Stacked Volume represents the overall magnitude of the financial transactions that have taken place within the Aave protocol and can provide insight into the overall growth and usage of the platform.

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Compound: Deposit Inflows and Outflows


This metric reflects the inflows and outflows of deposits in USD on the Compound protocol, aggregated by token. This provides a comprehensive view of the deposit behavior on the platform and indicates periods of depositing growth or contraction.

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Compound: Loan Inflows and Outflows


This metric shows the inflows and outflows of loans in USD on the Compound protocol, aggregated by token. This provides a comprehensive view of the borrowing behavior on the platform and indicates periods of borrowing growth or contraction.

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Compound: Total Value Locked


This metric illustrates the total value in USD of all tokens accepted in the Compound protocol over its history, differentiating between deposits (discounting withdrawals) and loans (discounting repays). It provides a comprehensive view of the total assets secured in the protocol.

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Compound: User Interaction Count by Action Type


This metric counts the number of interactions users have with the Compound protocol, broken down by action type, including deposits, withdrawals, borrows, repays, and liquidations. It provides insights into the overall activity and user engagement with the platform, showing which actions are most prevalent.

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Compound: User Interaction Volume by Action Type


This metric illustrates the volume in USD of user interactions with the Compound protocol, segregated by action type. By quantifying the financial magnitude of each action, it offers insights into the economic significance of user behaviors, indicating which actions drive the most financial activity on the platform.

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Compound: Utilization Ratio


This metric reflects the proportion of borrowed funds to available deposits in the Compound protocol. It measures capital efficiency by dividing the total borrowed by the total deposits. A high ratio indicates strong borrowing demand and active lending, while a low ratio points to excess liquidity. This ratio is key for understanding market health and influences the interest rates for lenders and borrowers within the protocol.

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Lido Deposits Volume


The total amount of ETH that users have deposited into the Lido protocol within a specified timeframe. This metric can help gauge user adoption and trust in the system.

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Lido Net Volume


The net inflow (or outflow) of assets in the Lido protocol. A positive value indicates a net deposit, suggesting growing user participation, while a negative value suggests more assets were withdrawn than deposited.

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Lido Total Value Locked


The total value of all ETH currently staked or locked in the Lido protocol. It's a key metric in the DeFi space as it indicates the size and relative importance of a protocol within the ecosystem. A rising TVL can suggest growing trust and usage of the protocol.

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Lido Withdrawn Volume


The total amount of ETH that users have withdrawn from the Lido protocol within a given period. A high value can indicate users reclaiming their staked assets, either due to rewards or changing trust in the system.

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Maker: Event Count by Type


This metric tallies the daily occurrences of the different event types within the Maker protocol: Deposits, Withdrawals, Borrows, Repays and Liquidations. By tracking the frequency of these events, stakeholders can gauge user engagement and the protocol's operational dynamics, making it a reflection of the protocol's health and activity.

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Maker: Event Volume (USD) by Type


The Event Volume (USD) by Type metric encapsulates the total USD value associated with the different event types within the Maker protocol: Deposits, Withdrawals, Borrows, Repays, Collateral Liquidations, and Debt Liquidations. This metric provides a monetary perspective on the protocol's daily operations, shedding light on the financial implications of user actions and the economic activity generated within the Maker ecosystem.

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Maker: Number of New Vaults Created


A vault is a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain that holds collateral in the form of Ethereum tokens that is used to generate the DAI stablecoin. This metric shows the count of new vaults (collateralized debt positions) created in the MakerDAO ecosystem. It reflects user engagement, credit creation, and overall growth of the protocol. A rising number of new vaults suggests increased activity and interest in the platform, while a decline may indicate reduced demand for borrowing or shifts in user preferences.

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Maker: Peg Stability Module (PSM) Balance


The Peg Stability Module (PSM) balance indicates the amount of stablecoins (USDC, GUSD and PAX) held in the peg stability module, a component of the MakerDAO protocol designed to help maintain the DAI stablecoin's peg to the US dollar by facilitating arbitrage opportunities. A higher PSM balance implies better support for the DAI peg and a lower likelihood of deviations from its intended value.

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Maker: Total Value Locked (TVL)


The Total Value Locked (TVL) metric represents the combined value of all assets locked in MakerDAO's smart contracts, denominated in USD. It serves as an indicator of the protocol's popularity, usage, and trust within the DeFi ecosystem. A higher TVL implies greater adoption and more liquidity in the protocol, making it an important reference for investors and users.

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Maker: Total Value Locked (TVL) by Token


This metric measures the value of assets locked in the Maker protocol, broken down by individual token types. It helps to understand the distribution of collateral, the protocol's reliance on specific assets, and the diversity of the collateral portfolio. This information can be crucial to assess the risk exposure of the protocol and its resilience to market fluctuations.

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Maker: Total Vaults Created


This metric represents the cumulative count of all vaults created within the MakerDAO ecosystem over time. A vault, in this context, is a type of smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain designed to hold collateral in the form of Ethereum tokens, which is utilized to mint the DAI stablecoin. By tracking the total number of vaults that have been established since the inception of MakerDAO, this metric offers insights into the historical growth and adoption rate of the platform. It encapsulates the long-term user engagement, sustained credit creation, and the enduring expansion of the protocol.

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Uniswap Fees


This metric represents the cumulative value of transaction fees generated on the entire protocol as well as both Uniswap v2 and Uniswap v3, expressed in US Dollars. Fees are collected from traders as a percentage of the trade value. They are used to reward liquidity providers for contributing assets to the liquidity pools.

This metric serves as an indicator of the platform's overall trading activity and the potential returns for liquidity providers. A higher fee value reflects increased trading volume and engagement on the platform, signaling a more active and robust ecosystem.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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Uniswap Fees per Fee Tier


The Uniswap Fees per Fee Tier metric represents the cumulative value of transaction fees generated for Uniswap v3 on the Ethereum blockchain, expressed in USD. Fees are collected from traders during token swaps as a small percentage of the trade value. They are used to reward liquidity providers for contributing assets to the liquidity pools.

This metric serves as an indicator of the platform's overall trading activity and the potential returns for liquidity providers. A higher fee value reflects increased trading volume and engagement on the platform, signaling a more active and robust ecosystem. For each traded token-pair Uniswap allows for pools with four different trading fee tiers: 0.01, 0.3. This metric presents the total value of fees generated for a given fee tier on Uniswap V3.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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Uniswap Mean AVL


The Active Value Locked (AVL) describes the share of the Uniswap liquiidty that is being actively used to facilitate trades. It helps measure capital efficiency on Uniswap. The mean AVL is determined by aggregating the amount of liquidity within price ticks of a specific pool that fall within the designated price range.

This metric presents the total of the AVL for Uniswap V3 pools.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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Uniswap Mean AVL per Fee Tier


The Active Value Locked (AVL) describes the share of the Uniswap liquiidty that is being actively used to facilitate trades. It helps measure capital efficiency on Uniswap.

The mean AVL is determined by aggregating the amount of liquidity within the price ticks of a specific pool that fall within the designated price range.

This metric presents the total of the AVL for a given fee tier on Uniswap V3. For each traded token-pair Uniswap allows for pools with four different trading fees: 0.01, 0.3.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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Uniswap Pools Created


The total amount of pools created for the entire protocol as well as for Uniswap's version 2 and version 3.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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Uniswap Pools Created per Fee Tier


This metric represents total amount of pools created per fee tier on Uniswap v3.

For each traded token-pair Uniswap allows for pools with four different trading fee tier: 0.01, 0.3.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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Uniswap Trade Count


The total number of trades for the entire protocol as well as for the two Uniswap's version 2 and 3.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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Uniswap Trade Volume


Trade volume refers to the total value of all tokens traded on Uniswap, expressed in US Dollars. It accounts for the inflow volume into the protocol, representing trading activities for both the entire protocol and Uniswap's version 2 and version 3.

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Uniswap Trade Volume per Token Type


Trade volume refers to the total value of all tokens traded on Uniswap, expressed in US Dollars. It accounts for the inflow volume into the protocol. This metric presents the trade volume per token type. Tokens are categorized into three groups: Bluechips (WBTC & WETH), Stablecoins and Altcoins.

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Uniswap Trade Volume per Trade Size


Trade volume refers to the total value of all tokens traded on Uniswap, expressed in US dollars. It accounts for the inflow volume into the protocol.

This metrics represents the total trade volume for a given trade size.

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Uniswap TVL per Fee Tier


The Total Value Locked (TVL) quantifies the value of all assets used as liquidity on Uniswap, it is denominated in US dollars. It is calculated by summing the token amounts multiplied by their respective prices at each timestamp.

This metric presents the total of the TVL for a given fee tier on Uniswap V3. For each traded token-pair Uniswap allows for pools with four different trading fees: 0.01, 0.3.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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Uniswap: Total Value Locked


The Total Value Locked (TVL) quantifies the value of all assets used as liquidity on Uniswap, it is denominated in US dollars. TVL is often used to assess the health and strength of a DeFi protocol. The TVL is calculated by summing the token amounts multiplied by their respective prices at each timestamp.

This metric shows the Total Value Locked (TVL) for the entire protocol, as well as seperatly for Uniswap's version 2 and version 3.

To improve its accuracy, adjustments have been made by eliminating token reserves that showed signs of token price manipulation.

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